
Continent Three Races

Everything begins with Race in Mearoc. Choosing your race happens first before culture, class or other options.

Basic Rules

A Race normally has options you select to tailor the race to your playing style. This can be done for flavor, story implications or to min/max options if you desire. As a norm, a Race defines three types of options:

Physical Option

Physical options are present to cosmetically or structurally alter some part of the racial makeup. This can be anything from how the Leaflings heal/grow or the shape Fierkron take after birth.

Heritage Option

Heritage options shift or alter the basic power(s) that typify the race. This normally reflects a bloodline, inheritance or legacy and comes with in-game "strings" that link to storylines & plots.

Meta Option

Meta options alter the race in a way that flips one aspect or everything on its head. An Undead Leafling would be a good example.

Short Table for Game

Race Pronounciation Short note
Droi DRUH-oi Supernatural bloodline
Eolil E-OH-lil Beast Faerie
Fierkron Fear-KRON Elements gained sentience and direction
Frezefyst Freez-IN-feist Divine bloodline
Heyd Kray Children of the Elements
Jaunuil zhanh-IL Race fashioned from the Fallen Frogguech
Leafling Mobile Plants
Ororok ORE-rock Twisted mix of Zik,Faerie and the Otherworld
Seryndi Sir-END-ee Faerie bloodline
Togodogu Toe-go-DOUGH-goo Corrupted Bestial Faerie Bloodline
Vaen Vay-IN Faerie bloodline
Wvolka Vol-KHA Mixed Faerie/Zik bloodline


Race Pronounciation Short note
Droi DRUH-oi Supernatural bloodline
Dzinolli Zen-OH-lee Mixed Giant/Faerie bloodline
Eolil E-OH-lil Beast Faerie
Fierkron Fear-KRON Elements gained sentience and direction
Frezefyst Freez-IN-feist Divine bloodline
Heyd Kray Children of the Elements
Insirol in-SEAR-oil insects of the dead realm
Jaunuil zhanh-IL Race fashioned from the Fallen Frogguech
Jgaryl Juh-R-L Giants who inherited the Titan's will
Leafling Mobile Plants
Myiour More Tainted bloodline of corrupted Spirits
Ororok ORE-rock Twisted mix of Zik,Faerie and the Otherworld
Phobin Foe-BIN Dream Beings
Seryndi Sir-END-ee Faerie bloodline
Sochayn Sow-CHAIN Giant bloodline
Togodogu Toe-go-DOUGH-goo Corrupted Bestial Faerie Bloodline
Vaen Vay-IN Faerie bloodline
Wvolka Vol-KHA Mixed Faerie/Zik bloodline
Yminir Yemen-ear ghostly draconic beings
Zik Corrupted titan bloodline